How to regrow celery from the stump!

Have you ever thought about growing celery from the stump? Well, like magic you can regrow a whole new plant from the scrap part of celery and also of various…

5 great reasons to grow your own mint!

Homegrown mint is the freshest, sweetest and most satisfying mint you will ever taste and needs very little looking after. We have four mint plants so that we have plenty…

DIY Raised Vegetable Planter

Raised vegetable planters are a great way to grow vegetables. Even better if you can make your own! Raised planters keep everything growing where it is meant to be, are…

A home grown winter salad!

Around a week or so ago, I had the last salad of the year from our veg garden.  Everything was homegrown and it included: tomatoes – yellow and red cucumber…

Home grown camomile tea!

I love drinking herbal teas and camomile (sometimes spelt chamomile) is a favourite of mine. I have had two camomile plants for a couple of years now and last year…