Eco friendly gift wrapping course

eco friendly gifts, reusable gift wrap, sustainable gifts, gift wrapping courses

Have you been searching for gift wrapping courses? Do you want to know how to wrap up gifts in eco-friendly ways? I have made an online gift wrapping course to teach you everything you need to know about how to wrap gifts beautifully and with the environment in mind. You can access the course straight after purchase, take it at your own pace and come back to it any time.

Sustainable gift wrap course

How is this course different to other gift wrapping courses and why should you take this one?

Most wrapping paper is not recyclable because it contains mixed materials e.g. paper and plastic. Even if it is recyclable, paper is very carbon intensive to produce and most will go to landfill or incineration. In landfill the paper will go through a process of anaerobic digestion and give off methane, which is a greenhouse gas many times more potent than CO2. Although it might not seem like a big deal wrapping a gift in single use wrapping paper, scale it up and look at the bigger picture. In 2013 it was reported that at Christmas time enough wrapping paper was bought that it could stretch to the moon. It is fun to unwrap a gift. But it isn’t fun to create a giant mountain of waste destined for landfill in the process.

Happily there are lots of alternatives to using disposable single use wrapping paper and they look amazing. It’s becoming really fashionable to wrap gifts more sustainably now.

So take this gift wrapping course to learn beautiful ways to wrap gifts, without the rubbish at the end! You could even join in with people who care like you and take my #CutTheWrap challenge not to use any single use wrapping paper during the Christmas period.

What will you learn in the gift wrapping course?

In the course you will learn

  • about the Japanese art of Furoshiki wrapping
  • how to wrap up a gift and make it look attractive with materials that would have gone in your recycling
  • different ways to decorate and hold together your alternative gift wrap.
  • how to make a gift exciting without any gift wrap

And more!

About me

You might be wondering who I am and why I’m running this course. I am an award winning money saving eco blogger. I’m also a mum, the author of Eco Thrifty Living the book, speaker and now course creator. I have been writing my blog since 2011, when I was on maternity leave with my second child and I didn’t want to return to work. I had to work out how we could live off less and I wanted to do it in eco-friendly ways. Finding alternatives to single use disposable gift wrap was one of the ways that I learned how to save money and the environment. Find out more about me here: about me page.

sustainable gift wrapping course

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