Is it worthwhile growing potatoes?

Last year we made a definite loss on growing potatoes and when I met James Wong earlier this year he said growing potatoes is ‘probably the most expensive way to physically get hold of one’….

Rocket everywhere!

A couple of years ago we planted some rocket and it was great the first year, but the second year it got a bit too large and bitter, plus it…

More flowers!

We are really lucky to have several beautiful well established rose bushes in our garden.  As I mentioned recently I am not a fan of shop bought flowers and with roses like…

A free upcycled pallet herb planter

When we first moved into our home we planted up a bed in our garden with herbs.  This year we decided that we wanted to grow more veg and that…

An underused overgrown curry plant!

  My curry plant seems to be getting bigger and bigger and I just don’t use it as I’m not sure what to do with it.  A quick google tells…

Would you eat slugs?

If you eat slugs, I can’t be friends with you any more one of my friends said to me the other day.  I would like to point out that as…

The berries are back!

Last year I wrote an article about  growing your own berries .  We grow raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries in our garden and we had a plentiful supply for a good…

Do egg shells keep slugs at bay?

We buy a lot of eggs in my household  and they have to be at least free range if not organic.  They can be quite pricey though and it seems…