The berries are back!

Last year I wrote an article about 
growing your own berries .  We grow raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries in our garden and we had a plentiful supply for a good couple of months last summer.

Sustainable gift wrap course
Well they are just starting to come into season again and we have been having fresh strawberries and raspberries again – so delicious!  My husband cut them back at the end of the season last year and very dutifully waters them with water from our rain butt in between showers but apart from that they are fairly self sufficient (and both the raspberries and strawberries are trying to escape their allotted areas and take over the world, or maybe just our garden!).
We have been combining them with some 
homemade yoghurt  and feeling very smug and self-satisfied about the whole thing!  Ok I will admit we have only had a small bowlful each day so far, but it is enough for my two kids- you chop them up small, sprinkle them in the yoghurt and my kids will happily eat that for dessert every day!

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