Tado the intelligent heating control – first impressions

I recently wrote an article about how and why my husband is tracking my every move and I mentioned that we are beta testing a new heating control called Tado. Well apparently it is useful for things other than just remotely letting him know when I’ve left the house and he has written this article explaining more.

Tado the intelligent heating control – first impressions

We are lucky enough to be beta testers for a new type of intelligent heating control.  I like my gadgets and I like saving money and this seems to fit the bill well. So why am I excited to have a new thermostat? It isn’t usually the most interesting of gadgets.Well this one is pretty clever.
Tado is made up of 2 main parts – the Tado Box which connects to the boiler and replaces your existing room thermostat and the Tado App, which runs on your smart phone and is the way you control the heating.
The guys designing Tado have made it really simple to use asking 4 key questions:
  1. What temperature do you want the house to be at when you’re home? 
  2. What temperature do you want it to be at when you’re sleeping?
  3. What time do you wake up in the morning?
  4. What time do you go to sleep?
Tado then pretty much works everything else out. It knows what temperature the house is at and claims that it learns how long it takes to heat your house up. So the idea is that it works out how to heat the house up just in time for you to get out of bed. This should mean that the more insulation is in the house the less time the heating will need to be on. It also gets the weather forecast for the local area so sunny days and very cold nights affect how it heats. 
Now for the clever bit, it knows when you and the other members of your family are home by the app on the smartphone. When the last person leaves the house it turns the heating off. I have tested this and it’s really good, it recognises when we have left the house within a few minutes and knows we are home just as fast. It says it works out if you’re heading home and turns on the heating in time but as it’s only been installed over the summer so far so we will have to wait and see about that.
I don’t know when it’s going to be available in the UK, probably next year after they get the results of the winter and I don’t know what the price will be but so far so good, I can now see what the temperature in the house is, how long the heating has actually been on and slightly big brotherly when the wife is at home or not 😉 I am looking forward to seeing how it actually performs over winter and will report back then.
To find out more look at the Tado website.
In case you are wondering this is not a sponsored post.
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