A points scheme for ethical shoppers!

Photo credit: Bonsum

Sustainable gift wrap course

Do you like to buy organic food, fair trade clothes or you really want to get a water butt for your garden? Well there is a new website which will give you points called Bonets every time you shop with their listed ethical retailers. The Bonets can be redeemed against your next shop, can be donated to good causes or can be saved up to get a specific reward like a jar of coconut oil.

I currently do my food shopping every week with Abel and Cole (an online organic fruit and veg box site), one of their listed retailers. So now when I do my shopping if I take a quick visit to Bonsum first I can gain a few bonets each time. Other retailers include, Green and Blacks, Planet Organic, Etsy, Toms, Traidcraft, Green People and more!

Bonsum has a set of five criteria that they judge each of their retailers on and they make sure that at least two of them are met by each retailer. These criteria include whether or not the item is fair trade, animal friendly, is made from sustainable, recycled or recyclable materials, contains safe ingredients and is CO2 neutral. I like the page they have written about each shop and exactly how they feel they have met these criteria. They detail the good stuff the retailers are doing as well as acknowledging where the retailers aren’t perfect.

I think it would take quite a while before the Bonets added up to much, but after the initial registration it only takes seconds to click through to your chosen site. It is quite nice to collect a few points either for charity each time I shop or if I manage to save up enough I might even splurge on a jar of coconut oil!

If you decide to sign up, use the code helloecothriftyliving and you will find yourself with 200 Bonets to get you started!

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