Ooh arr me hearties!

Chrismakah (i.e. Christmas and Chanukah) are approaching fast and I have started thinking about what I am going to do for it.  For Chanukah we have always given our kids a gift each day for 8 days.  I started this as when I was growing up we would always do 8 days of presents.  Now I would like to break this habit, but there is no chance my 5 year old son is going to let me get away with it. So gifts it is. 
Luckily, while out shopping the other day I went into a charity shop and found an absolute bargain.  For the grand total of £2 I bought a pirate ship with various figures and extra bits and pieces.  He is really into pirates at the moment and I know he will love it (especially as I didn’t hide it very well and he saw it and then nagged and nagged to have it now!)
My son is is used to receiving secondhand gifts which come with no packaging and no wrapping paper and so far he hasn’t seemed bothered about whether something is new or not. Every time he asks me about having something from a shop that isn’t a charity shop we talk about the black smoke in China and why it is better to buy something that is secondhand, so I know he will be fine about the fact that nothing is in ‘new packaging’.  
I can easily spread this gift out over 8 days, which is great as he is all sorted for Chanukah gifts at a cost of £2!  Now just need to sort out gifts for the rest of the family….  Have you started preparing for Christmas / Chanukah yet? Have you had any great frugal finds?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!
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