A sugar free charoset inspired dessert

Charoset is a traditional Jewish food eaten as part of the Passover meal.  There are quite a few variations of it, but in my household some of the key ingredients are ground almonds, grated apple, sweet red wine (kiddish wine) and cinnamon.  
Ground almonds feature heavily in the Passover menu and I often find that at the end of the festival I have bought too many packets of them and haven’t used them all.  Usually they then sit in my cupboard until a year later when I start thinking about Passover again.  By then they have gone past their use by date and in days gone past I would have chucked them out.  I don’t do that sort of thing any more though – no, no, no! Especially not after a whole week of closely scrutinising my food waste!
In fact when preparing for Zero Waste Week I realised I had about four packets of the stuff, at least two of which were past their best before date.  I decided it was time to use them up and have been sprinkling them over my porridge in the mornings, but then I discovered a whole new use for them – a charoset inspired sugar free dessert.
1 sliced apple
A large sprinkling of ground almonds
A large sprinkling of sunflower seeds
A few shakes of ground cinnamon
Mix together the ingredients and enjoy!
It is a really simple recipe, but there is something wonderful about the combination of flavours and textures and it makes a great sugar free dessert!
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  1. Sounds lovely. I'm off to buy some cinnamon. The last bit of fire power I need to really get my sugar consumption down I think!

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