Coconut and coriander lentils with brown rice

I don’t usually eat lentils and I’ve only recently started eating brown rice.  Since going to Vegfest in Brighton recently though, I have become particularly aware that being a vegetarian or a vegan is kinder on the environment than the alternatives and although I am not currently planning on becoming a vegetarian every meal counts! Increasing the number of vegetarian meals that I eat is not only better for the environment, but is often cheaper with rice and lentils being the ultimate budget meal.
So I decided tonight’s dinner would be just that – rice and lentils, but they needed a bit of added flavour so this is what I did:
Serves 1

Sustainable gift wrap course

75g organic brown rice 
50g organic ‘no soak’ red lentils 
Handful of frozen organic peas
1-2 tablespoons of organic tomato puree (from a jar if possible)
A couple of scrapings of organic cold pressed coconut oil
1/2 handful of fresh coriander leaves chopped (or you can sprinkle in some dried coriander if you don’t have any fresh coriander available)

  1. Boil the rice and lentils in a pan for around 30mins
  2. Towards the end of the cooking time add in the frozen peas
  3. Once the peas, rice and lentils are cooked drain them of water 
  4. Add in the tomato puree, coconut oil and fresh coriander leaves
  5. Mix well.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

You can also add seasoning if you like, but I found it tasted lovely without any.  This was a really delicious, simple and easy meal to make and I highly recommend it.  If you do give this recipe a go let me know what you think in the comments below!

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  1. I like lentils and rice together- red lentils, rice and lots of onion caramelised in olive oil is a Middle Eastern dish called Masafi. Made with green or brown lentils it's called Megadarra. You can add fresh or dried mint or cumin and I add a splash of vinegar and a clove of garlic when I'm cooking the lentils.

    I've just bought some British-grown badger (carlin) peas and want to see if I can make a version with that, so 2/3 of the meal's not imported. 🙂

  2. Zoe

    Thanks for your comment Hazel – your recipe sounds yummy and those British peas sound really interesting – I will have to give them a go!

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