Microbeads are being banned in the UK!

It was announced on the 5th September that the government is going to ban Microbeads in 2017, which is just great! I wrote about the petition to get microbeads banned…

Help get plastic microbeads banned!

Plastic that is designed to be used once or twice and then thrown away is a massive problem. It can kill wildlife big and small, as well as get into…

Plastic compromises

We are half way through July and up until now I haven’t even mentioned Plastic Free July (PFJ). The idea behind PFJ is to avoid all single use plastic throughout…

Cross county thinking…

It is day 8 of the Minimalism Game (read more here) and I have not followed the rules at all, but I did say I wasn’t going to. I have got…

My plastic free to do list

I was going to do a plastic diary, but I’m just not organised enough to do that.  So I decided to make a list of the items that I regularly…