Cross county thinking…

It is day 8 of the Minimalism Game (read more here) and I have not followed the rules at all, but I did say I wasn’t going to. I have got rid of some stuff and I have been brave about chucking things in the bin more so than usual.  I have even replaced some of the really very knackered stuff around my house with new stuff and repurposed or chucked the old stuff e.g. my dish drainer – I’m ashamed to admit that I actually did a home exchange with it there and it is also rusted through and looking horrendous – it went in the bin (should it have gone in metal recycling?  It was covered in white plastic…).  I don’t know how many years we had it, but I honestly can’t remember the last time I bought one, we must have had it for years and years. I have also given some stuff away to a friend – some nappies we no longer need, a bath mitt and a kids rocking chair that my kids have grown out of.

Sustainable gift wrap course
I have made a large pile of stuff to go one way or another and it is waiting to be dispersed. 
They fall into the following categories:
  1. To be recycled at the dump – an old electric toothbrush and razor and some bags of garden waste and some old frying pans
  2. To be recycled at the supermarket – they recycle plastic bags and have fabric recycling bins in the car park (although fabric can also be recycled at the dump). Although I do most of my shopping plastic bag free, plastic bags still find their way into our home…
  3. To be sold – I have a long list of things to be sold and need to get around to listing them for sale!
  4. To be given away – I am hosting a clothes swap party next week and might try to give a few other bits and pieces away then. Otherwise it will be a trip to the charity shop or listing on Freecycle/ Freegle.
One of the things in my big pile of things to go is bag of jar lids.  My local council doesn’t recycle them and I was planning on putting them in the metal recycling at the tip, but I’m not really sure if they are the right place for them. I have another idea though, my parents live in a different county to me and this morning I quizzed my mum about what they can recycle where they live.  Turns out they can recycle jar lids.  Usefully they can also recycle other things I can’t recycle i.e. plastic containers, so I will now be saving those things for when I visit my parents and will recycle them there!
So far the following has left my home: one broken weighing scales, a dish drainer, a kids rocking chair, lots of nappies and swim nappies, a bath mitt, 3 broken glasses, a broken glass water bottle (they have been sitting on my kitchen window ledge for ages), some old plastic containers (before I found out I can recycle them at my parents – I chucked them in the bin), a broken toy and 5 egg trays, 10 random bits including a sticker and broken bits of toys, a clay tealight holder that my youngest made at nursery (it was a bit broken and crumbling to bits..) and about 10 items of makeup which were at least 10 years old.

In total so far I have got rid of around 70 things (if you count each nappy individually, which I didn’t but 70 sounds good), so I am ahead of schedule – woohoo!  I only have another 390 things to go!!

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  1. Interesting about recycling things elsewhere, especially if you were going to make the journey anyway! We struggle with recycling cartons.

  2. Zoe

    Absolutely if you are going to make the journey anyway, then why not take your recycling elsewhere! I have also discovered recently that my local council has started taking plastic bottle lids (when they didn't used to) and that there are public bins for recycling cartons. They didn't advertise these changes so it is worth checking the local council website for what they will and won't recycle every so often!

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