Zero Waste Week 2016 Day 2

Trying to keep the kids entertained this morning we cycled to our nearest recycling point to do some textile and shoes recycling! Hardly any food has gone to waste in…

Zero Waste Week 2016 Day 1

I pledged I would do a use it up meal plan and keep a food waste diary during zero waste week. I kickstarted the week with a use it up pizza!…

Zero Waste Week 2016

It’s nearly time for Zero Waste Week 2016 which this year runs from the 5th September to the 9th! The theme for 2016 is all about food and not wasting it!…

My first #zerowasteweek event!

I was so excited when a few weeks ago the manager of my local community centre got in touch saying that she wanted to plan an event for Zero Waste…

This years theme for Zero Waste Week 2015!

Each year the excitement builds during the wait to find out the latest theme for Zero Waste Week. When Rachelle Strauss of Zero Waste Week emailed me recently with the…

My March Challenge

On my schedule of things to do I am supposed to be focusing on renting out more of our garage this month.  I still haven’t managed to rent out my…