Zero Waste Week 2016 Day 1

I pledged I would do a use it up meal plan and keep a food waste diary during zero waste week. I kickstarted the week with a use it up pizza! I made some pizza dough and covered the bases with some pesto that had been lingering in my fridge for a few weeks. I also added some chicken that had been left over from a roast that I had shredded and frozen. There was one piece of pizza left over which I have put in the fridge for the kids to eat cold tomorrow!
I don’t really have a whole load of food to run down, especially not fresh food as I’ve been away a lot these holidays so the fridge has been pretty bare. I’m going to have a look at some of my dried foods though tomorrow e.g. herbs, spices, flour and things like that to see what if anything needs using up.
I did find some food waste today having a root around in the fridge – some slimy plums and some mustard that was a couple of years past it’s best before date and didn’t smell quite right – mustard should last a long time, but I’m not prepared to take any risks! There wasn’t any other waste all day though – I think my kids are going through a growth spurt as they are eating everything on their plates and then wanting more! We got the mustard in a French supermarket a few years ago because I loved the fact the container was a cup! Would have been better if I had actually made good use of the mustard though 🙂
I’m hoping there won’t be any food waste tomorrow, but let’s see! How is your zero waste week going? What have you pledged and have you had any food waste? If you haven’t signed up yet sign up here to Zero Waste Week and watch out for my next food waste avoidance blog post tomorrow!