Zero Waste Week 2016

Zero Waste Week

It’s nearly time for Zero Waste Week 2016 which this year runs from the 5th September to the 9th! The theme for 2016 is all about food and not wasting it! The idea is that you sign up, make a pledge and join in! 
I rather enthusiastically pledged back in May that I would do a use it up meal plan and keep a food waste diary during zero waste week. I think I am pretty good at not wasting food ever since I did my first food waste diary inspired by Zero Waste Week back in August 2013, but I’m not keeping a close eye on it, so will be intrigued to see how much food is being wasted or not as the case may be! 
I really recommend joining in with this one – the average family stands to save themselves around £700 a year if you aren’t of top of the food waste situation yet and even if you are there is always room for improvement! It’s good for the environment too as food can give off methane in landfill and it is fun! I discovered some of my favourite recipes while saving food from being wasted, like raspberry avocado sorbet – so delicious (honestly)!
I will be blogging throughout the week and I would love to hear your pledges and what you are getting up to! Plus if you have any food waste related questions feel free to ask – I can’t promise that I can answer, but I can have a try! Good luck everyone and hope you have a great zero waste week!