zendoodle, zenart, zen doodle, zen art, line drawing, zero waste, abstract art, abstract drawing

Art prints and raising money for #zerowasteweek

zendoodle, zen art, zen doodle, If you have been following me on Facebook and Twitter, you might have noticed that I have started up a new project – Zoe’s Zen Art! You can buy my prints from my Esty shop here: Zoe’s Zen Art Etsy Shop

Sustainable gift wrap course

What does this have to do with being eco-friendly and saving money I hear you ask?

Well on the money side – it could be described as a side hustle and I have lots to say on the eco-side.

Firstly Zero Waste Week is coming up in September and for every print sold between now and the end of September 2017 I will donate £2 to Zero Waste Week. I have been an ambassador of Zero Waste Week for a few years now and it has massively inspired me. The lady who runs it – Rachelle Strauss has had an amazing impact on so many people and has been challenging us all to reduce our rubbish for years now. If you haven’t already signed up – do it now here: Zero Waste Week. Go on – you know you want to!

Secondly I have chosen eco-friendly and recycled materials where I can. The prints are printed on bamboo fine art paper which a more eco-friendly alternative to cotton, which fine art paper is often made from. Cotton is water and pesticide intensive to grow. The packaging that I send the prints out in is recycled and recyclable where possible.

My drawings are mostly abstract and when I make ‘mistakes’ I incorporate them into the picture where I can which helps to reduce waste as I don’t scrunch up the paper if the picture isn’t going quite the way I planned!

If you choose to buy a print you will be helping to support an independent artist and blogger as well as Zero Waste Week 2017.

Your support in buying these prints and helping to spread the word about them is really appreciated. Thank you!

Some of the pictures I have for sale (note – frame not included):

zendoodle, zenart, zen doodle, zen art, line drawing, zero waste, abstract art, abstract drawing


  1. Shani

    I think what you are doing is awesome!

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