5 free kids Easter holiday activities that could save you money!

easter holiday kids activities

It would be so easy to spend a small fortune on kids activities during the Easter holidays. These easter holiday activities will keep you busy for a few days. Plus not only will they not cost you money, they could actually save you money!

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5 activities for kids in the Easter Holidays

  1. Visit some local working farms!

Kids love going to farms. Instead of paying to go to one, you could take them to some local working farms. They get to see the animals and learn about where their food comes from. You might be able to walk through the farm along public rights of way.

Farm shops can be expensive. Look out for farms which sell product from the farm gates. It can work out cheaper than shopping at the supermarket. Our local egg farm sells trays of 30 organic free range eggs for £4, which is a brilliant price. If you find a product at a good price but the farm is too far to visit regularly, you could create a buying group. Find a few friends and take it in turns to go and buy it. I do this with eggs. Although it does take a bit of organising it has worked really well and saved me lots of money!

2. Do a toy swap!

Spring is traditionally a time for cleaning and having a clear out. Get your kids to join in by sorting through their books, toys and games. Once they have decided what they no longer want host a toy swap party. They will feel like they will have gained some new toys and you haven’t had to pay for them! I recently wrote an article for the Mirror on how to get toys for free.

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3. Grow some vegetables.

It’s a great time of year to get the veg garden going. I have lots of tips for how to do that on a budget. It is easy to get the kids involved with planting seeds or planting seedlings out in the garden. It won’t cost you much and in a few months time you will have food to eat! If you don’t have a garden, plant some herbs instead!

More low cost activities

4. Go charity shopping.

Fun aside, the holidays are also a time to do practical things! Eg, buy new shoes or clothes for the kids. You will be spending money on this one, but the savings will be worth it! As long as you stick to your shopping list! Plus charity shops are usually very child friendly. Most have a toy section and generally no-one minds the kids fiddling with all the toys.  If you give your kids a bit of pocket money they can spend their own money on toys, or books. Meaning you can peruse the kids clothes section.

Eco Thrifty Living Book

5. Get a haircut

Another practical activity. It takes up a bit of time and they love it. It doesn’t have to cost anything though if you can find a salon who wants models to practise on. There is a website which will help you find places looking for models local to you. Read more here.

How do you keep the kids entertained on a budget in the holidays? 


  1. Don't forget to visit your local library and museum. Many libraries and museums also have free activities on during school holidays.

  2. Zoe

    Yes definitely – libraries and museums are brilliant sources of free entertainment!

  3. I like the gardening idea. I have been meaning to get in the garden for weeks but have either not been well enough or have been too busy. Keeping my children entertained and getting some gardening done (I seem to have half a dozen packets of carrot seeds) kills two birds with one stone. Picnics are another good way to keep the children entertained. Swimming is another because for a small fee they can stay in the water for hours if they're aged 8 or more.

  4. Some great ideas Zoe. I'll have to bookmark this page for a few years time 🙂

    A reminder for now though that I need to plant some veg asap! Planted far too late last year so didnt get much yeild.

    Is it Macs farm you get eggs from? I saw they were on Jamie Olivers show the other week which was pretty cool!

  5. Zoe

    Hope you have fun gardening! We also love picnics and swimming – kids get to swim for free in our local area which is great!

  6. Zoe

    Yes it is the Macs farm – they seem to get up to loads of fun, I saw them on the One Show recently too! Good luck with the veg growing!

  7. Those are great ideas, thanks for sharing.
    I was actually thinking of going to do hair cut for girls, they have never done it in the hairdressers so it should be fun. I was also thinking of going to our local library, they usually have some events for kids during half term.

  8. Zoe

    That's a good point about the libraries – ours often run events in the holidays too. Hope you have a fun Easter!

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