Yoghurt thermos broken…

I have been making yoghurt for months now, but the other day I was cleaning out the thermos jug that I use to make it in and very upsettingly it shattered into pieces. 
I threw the jug and the brush I used to clean it in the rubbish bin – I couldn’t see any safe way of recycling it…
I had a look for a new one around my local shops including charity shops in Southwick Square but couldn’t find any… I will have a look online, or maybe try freecycle/ freegle. I have said I will buy nothing new, but I think a replacement thermos jug counts as an every day reusable. Plus I would far rather have a new one than buy yoghurt in plastic pots…
It would be good to have one that wouldn’t have to be chucked in the bin when it broke though – anyone have any ideas???
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  1. Im afraid I cant think of a solution to the thermos question, but would you post your yoghurt recipe? I'd love to make my own yoghurt!

  2. Ours is a Severin yoghurt maker that was a wedding gift. But it is plastic, with glass jars, and it has to be plugged in when in use.

  3. Also, you can get stainless steel flasks with no plastic or glass. We've been using them since I discovered how high a carbon footprint plastic bottles have.

  4. Zoe

    Thanks Sandy – stainless steel sounds good… I remembered though that you can make yoghurt in a number of different ways. I have a stoneware pot with a lid and a glass saucepan. I might try making yoghurt in one of those with a towel wrapped around it in the oven (from what I have read you heat the oven up a little and then turn it off before you put the container in it). Just need to buy some yoghurt now to get me started!

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