My Passover Meal Plan!

Pesach is coming!  This year it starts on the 25th March and ends on 2nd April.  I’ve decided to be ultra organised and plan out our meals for the duration of the festival.  During Passover Jewish people avoid eating grains and products made from them e.g. bread, rice and pasta for example.  Some also avoid eating beans and pulses as well. The only food containing grains that we are allowed to eat is a type of wheaten cracker called matzo.
Breakfasts will be bubbelas (matzo meal pancakes – for the rest of the family, not me), matzo, bananas and other fresh fruit.  
Packed lunches for Monday to Thursday will consist of a varied combination of the following: potato salad, fish balls, salad, crudites, matzo crackers, tuna, egg, cheese.  On non-packed lunch days we will have something similar or vegetable soups.
Dinners will be the following:
Monday 25th March: Salmon, potato salad and salad

Sustainable gift wrap course
Tuesday 26th March: Rosemary turkey and vegetable skewers served with sweet potato chips

Wedneday 27th March: Omelettes and I quite like the idea of giving this carrot kugel a go, but would need to adapt it so it is without sugar
Thursday 28th March: Baked potatoes, tuna, onion and cheese
Friday 29th March: Roast chicken, roast potatoes and roast vegetables
Saturday 30th March: Kosher for Pesach Pizza for the other members of my family.  Quinoa with a tomato, mushroom and garlic sauce for me. (If you are wondering about whether Quinoa is acceptable on Passover Mayim Bialik says it is in her Passover Survival Tips for Vegans.  It’s not quite that simple though and if you are thinking of getting some read this: Is Quinoa Kosher for Passover?)
Sunday 31st March: Meatball (or maybe just bolognaise), potato, tomato and pepper casserole as pictured at the top of this article.
Monday 1st April: Spanish tortilla
Tuesday 2nd April: Salmon, baked butternut squash and roasted vegetables

I will also be doing some Pesach baking.  I plan to make fairy cakes, bakewell tarts, almond macaroons and meringues.  I don’t plan on eating them though – they will be mainly for my husband and I might try making some sugar free versions…

What are you going to eat over Pesach? Let me know in the comments below!

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