Our lawnmower blew up and other adventures!

First thing on Sunday morning my 3 year old son got in a major strop.  I not very wisely (in hindsight) sent him outside to calm down and turned my back on him briefly.  5 seconds later I heard a bang and then for the rest of the day crack, crack crack….  My glass sliding patio door is now a very pretty mosaic of cracked glass. 

Sustainable gift wrap course
Later on in the day my husband decided to mow the lawn and after a few minutes, the lawnmower went splutter splutter bang and then smoke came out of it.

Not great, except that I am an optimist (or at least try to be) and there is always something positive to take from these things

  • My son has definitely learned a lesson about what happens when you throw a stone at a glass door and has promised he is never ever going to repeat that again (let’s hope so)!
  • It was very interesting to see the way the glass cracked but stayed in place and because of that no-one got hurt!  As far as I’m concerned it is only a thing and it can be replaced.  My son however cannot, so a massive thanks to whoever invented shatter proof glass!
  • We don’t need to worry about affording to replace the glass as my husband is very hot on having ‘rainy day savings’ – having savings in place for the unexpected such as the washing machine breaking down, or in this case needing to replace a pane of glass.
  • We were able to go out and replace the lawnmower immediately at a cost of £3 ish to us.  The reason we were able to go and replace the lawnmower so quickly and cheaply was because we collect Nectar points on our shopping and just accumulate them until we need them for something – like a broken lawnmower. 
So at the end of the day, no-one was hurt, we had a replacement lawnmower and a freshly mowed lawn.  I did have to wonder though, was there a more eco friendly, thrifty solution to these issues?  I would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions as to how to reuse the broken glass door; how to replace it without getting a new pane specially made; or what you would have done if your lawnmower blew up on a sunny day when you wanted to mow the lawn?  Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Disclaimer:  This is not a sponsored post.


  1. Wow, what an eventful time you've been having! I love that you choose the optimist route and I can't believe you bought a mower for £3; that's awesome! I'm not sure what to do with the old door. As for the lawn mower blowing up; I'm thinking the way forward would be to tool share with neighbours and communities; but I think most people are too wary of that …

  2. Zoe

    Thanks for your comment Mrs Green – I know there are a few social sharing sites out there and it is an interesting idea to share tools with neighbours!

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