Say no to fracking by switching to renewables

On 6th October the government gave fracking the go ahead in Lancashire. This decision was in spite of fracking not being wanted or approved locally and is extremely concerning for the…

DIY Solar Panel Cleaning

We have had solar panels for a few years and they are all working fine. But could cleaning solar panels make them work better? Doing some research on solar panel…

Frack off Cuadrilla!

I live in the city of Brighton and Hove in England and in Balcombe just over 20 miles away The Great Gas Gala has been going on since 7am this morning.  Local…

Picture request!

This morning I was tweeting away about how we keep an eye on the efficiency of our solar panels and I was asked to put up some pictures of our panels.  They…

Solar Panels – a great investment?

Solar electricity is big news in the UK at the moment.  You can’t miss all the adverts for free solar panels, to be maintained for free for 25 years, providing you with…