Sustainable book club – the next meet up and the next!

I promised to choose the most popular book choice for the next book club as voted for in the comments on my blog. Thanks to the two people that did – Dawn and Pip :). Both mentioned Feral by George Monbiot and I suggested that one too, so that is going to be the next book choice!

I have also decided to choose the book after that as lots of book club members are choosing to borrow the book from the library and it can take a while if there is a waiting list for it. So the book after is going to be This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein – thanks to Pip for suggesting it!

Sustainable gift wrap course

The next meet up will be in 6 weeks time on 5th August between 12.00 and 13.00 and 20.00 and 21.00!

The meet up after will be 6 weeks after that on 16th September, again between 12.00 and 13.00 and 20.00 and 21.00, so put the dates in your diaries!

You can join in with the Sustainable book club on Twitter under #susbc or on Facebook in the group If you aren’t on Facebook or Twitter then feel free to add your comments to the blog – I will write about the book club meet up again nearer the time with some questions about the book. Alternatively you can email me with your comments.

I have also set up a Pinterest board here, which people are welcome to post blog posts about the book club to. Just message me on Pinterest and I will add you so you can pin to it.

Thanks for being a part of the Sustainable Book Club – it’s great to have you here!  I look forward to discussing the next book with you all!

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