Tea towel frozen pizza!

This blog post is the 4th in a series. In case you are wondering what happened to 1,2 and 3 in this series, don’t worry you haven’t missed anything. I didn’t realise I was writing a series until it happened! This series tells the story of bread dough  which became pizza dough which got frozen in some tea towels in the freezer  which then finally got turned into pizza and eaten!
The result was in case you are interested – drumroll…….delicious pizza! So it turns out you can freeze pizza (really bread) dough in tea towels in the freezer for around a week (I can’t remember exactly when I froze the dough) without too many problems!
So far I have given up shampoo and supermarkets and am now preparing to give up plastic as part of My Year of Eco Challenges   If you have a moment I would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring me with an action on my DoNation page. Also if you liked this post please click like on Facebook and follow on Twitter – thanks so much!