I Quit Blog Fiesta no.8

It’s the 8th edition of the I Quit Blog Fiesta and I’ve discovered a whole website dedicated to lip balm addiction! It’s called Lip Balm Anonymous and it claims that lipbalm is addictive.  I managed to quit lipsalve around 2 years ago after applying it frequently throughout the day for years. I was addicted.  I wasn’t using a medicated brand, but I definitely depended on it for a long time.
I have been sugar free and happy for months now and I’m not looking back.  Sugar was in the news yesterday with researchers claiming a 20% tax on sugary drinks would help cut obesity and another blogger has recently decided to quit sugar – well done and good luck Loulouloves! 
Since starting My Year of Eco Challenges I have gone ‘poo’ free again and quit supermarkets for 11 months. I washed my hair today with just water after 3 weeks of not washing it at all (originally I was planning to wash it tomorrow, but I went swimming..). My theory is that the less interference from me, the sooner it will do it’s own thing. It has a way to go as it is still greasy, but I’ve committed to going ‘poo’ free for a year at least so I will keep plodding on with this..
Only a few weeks of altering my shopping habits and not going to the supermarket no longer seems like a particularly big deal. I have done a fair bit of driving around though getting to know my local area, but I’m getting to know which places are the best to go for different things.  My theory is it is a bit like the first time you go to a supermarket you don’t know well – it takes you twice as long to find things, however once you know your way around the supermarket it is much easier.  I’m doing the same thing, just with my local area and once I know all the places to find the things I need it will be much quicker and easier. 
Plastic is also on it’s way out in my household, so far slightly unsuccessfully with my shower cap mistake and I have another interesting experiment underway which I will blog about soon!

See you again next time!

Sustainable gift wrap course
If quitting has saved you money, was kinder to the environment and / or improved your health and you have written a recent blog post about it, then please send me the link in an email to ecothriftyliving@gmail.com by 25th November to be included in the next fiesta which will go live on the 1st December 2013 (ish).

The rules:
  1. Please do not send me any links to sponsored posts, promotions or giveaways
  2. Links don’t have to be recent, but will only be published once (i.e. please don’t send repeat links to future fiestas).
  3. Please link back to the fiesta in your featured blog post(s) either by text link or by adding the button below to the relevant blog post
<a href=”http://www.ecothriftyliving.com/search/label/I%20Quit%20Fiesta/” target=”blank”><img alt=”ecothriftyliving.com” height=”113″ src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-M0F1Zjz2z14/US31zz2F7aI/AAAAAAAABSI/7t6cO09npUw/s1600/Featured+on+The+%25E2%2580%2598I+Quit%25E2%2580%2599+Blog+Festival.jpg ” width=”150″ /></a>

I look forward to reading all your ‘I quit’ stories! 

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