The I Quit Blog Fiesta no. 6

Sustainable gift wrap course
Welcome to the 6th edition of the I Quit Blog Fiesta!  This month Jennifer from Slightly Hippie Housewife of Surburbia has been sharing her ‘I quits’.  She recently wrote about quitting smoking, her microwave, wheat and most recently sugar – what a brilliant quitter! Well I can say snap to three of those, but I do eat wheat. 
I have now been sugar free for over 6 months, an achievement which I am really proud of and something which has now become second nature to me.  Recently I put a little weight on though.  I went to Bournemouth for 3 days, had sandwiches for lunches, a few meals out (which I rarely do) and put on about 4lbs!  I wasn’t eating icecream, chocolate, cake, biscuits or sweets, but I did have a few glasses of wine, some white rice and quite a lot of bread which I usually avoid!
I haven’t seriously thought about giving up wheat altogether before, but it definitely contributed to my weight gain over those 3 days (yes along with the wine and white rice)…Since going away I have gone back to salads for lunch and the weight has started dropping off again.  Might give Wheat Belly a read and see if I should give it up for good!

Note:  when I say sugar free I mean that 99% of the time I avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars. Sometimes though I eat them in savoury foods which I am very slowly working to eliminate from my diet.. I do also have the occasional glass of wine.
See you again next time!
If quitting has saved you money, was kinder to the environment and / or improved your health and you have written a recent blog post about it, then please send me the link in an email to by 25th September to be included in the next fiesta which will go live on the 1st October 2013 (ish).

The rules:
  1. Please do not send me any links to sponsored posts, promotions or giveaways
  2. Links don’t have to be recent, but will only be published once (i.e. please don’t send repeat links to future fiestas).
  3. Please link back to the fiesta in your featured blog post(s) either by text link or by adding the button below to the relevant blog post
<a href=”” target=”blank”><img alt=”” height=”113″ src=” ” width=”150″ /></a>

I look forward to reading all your ‘I quit’ stories! 

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