Introducing the ‘I Quit’ Blog Fiesta

I quit is something I’ve been saying a lot recently.  For example I quit my day jobgave up using lipsalve, tried pretty hard to give up shampoo and even quit trying that (for the time being), My latest addition to this quitting spree is to quit sugar.  OK I’m only 6 days into this one and haven’t given it up entirely yet, but I’m on my way, so look out for my upcoming blog post about it.

Enough about me though, I want to hear about you!  I am going to start a regular roundup of all your ‘I quit’ stories.  If what you quit saved you money, was kinder to the environment and / or improved your health and well being then I want to hear about it!

Examples include quitting sugar, smoking, shampoo, your job, alcohol, gambling, your smartphone, social networking sites, wasting food, using disposables, using plastic – the list is endless!

The more we can share our stories about why and how we quit the things that were doing our wallets, the environment and/ or our health no good, the more we can help and inspire each other!

The first ‘I Quit’ Blog Fiesta will be published on the 1st April.  Please email your ‘I quit’ blog post links  to by the 20th March to be included in the fiesta.

The rules:
  1. Please do not send me any links to sponsored posts, promotions or giveaways
  2. Links don’t have to be recent, but will only be published once (i.e. please don’t send repeat links to future fiestas).
  3. Please link back to the fiesta in your featured blog post(s) either by text link or by adding the button below to the relevant blog post
<a href=”” target=”blank”><img alt=”” height=”113″ src=” ” width=”150″ /></a>

I look forward to reading all your ‘I quit’ stories! 

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