Birthday card for a 4 year old girl

A while ago, I decided that rather than buying cards, which are often very overpriced I would make them or upcycle old cards. I really enjoy getting creative and find it quite satisfying to produce something from scratch. I have two boys and don’t get to make girly things very often, so I was quite pleased when my son got invited to a joint 4th birthday party for two girls from his nursery – a chance to make something pink!
I took a piece of pink A4 card folded it in half one way, opened it out and then folded it in half the other way.  I cut it along the shorter crease, leaving me with two pieces of card with a crease down the middle.  I took one card, drew the outline of a butterfly on one half, folded the card along the crease and cut out the butterfly shape and repeated the same for the other card.  I then made up templates for a star, a heart and a number 4 drew around them and cut out the relevant pieces.  I stuck them on with glue.
I also made an envelope to match from some pink paper.  It didn’t take me long to do and probably cost at most 30p to make them both
I am in a bit of a dilemma at the moment about making cards though.  I do enjoy it, but is it a bit wasteful as most likely they will end up in the recycling bin?  I have been thinking about moving over to e-cards more, but am not sure if it is appropriate to send one to a child especially one whose parents I don’t know?  The card I used, I bought a little while ago, so as I have it anyway and I am having fun, I will use it all up.  However once it is gone I will have to decide whether to buy some recycled card or whether to give up physical cards altogether. 
I would love to hear your opinions on this, so please feel free to comment with your thoughts below!
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  1. I think children appreciate having physical cards and that is a really lovely one, I love handmade cards 🙂

  2. I keep postcards-these handamde and bought as well and I have a special box at home to keep them all. I'm sure that one day I'll decide to throw out some of them but I always keep in mind that person who made this special card for me. So if you like making cards on your own, why not? For me it's not about the card itself, it's about the person I make this card for 🙂

  3. Zoe

    I often keep cards too, so I suppose if people end up keeping the cards I make, that isn't so wasteful.

  4. Hi Zoe! My girls have always kept their homemade cards- it's only the shop-bought ones we recycle- handmade every time!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us on Natural Mothers Network's Seasonal Celebration. Have a great weekend- let's hope the sun stays out for a little while longer!
    Warmly, Rebecca x

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