A massage whenever you want it – now wouldn’t that be great!

I have to admit that massage is one of those luxuries in life I will pay good money for on occassion, but I much prefer having one for free!  So for me there are two options – get someone else to give me a massage (close friend/ relative), or give myself a massage.

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It is always lovely being on the receiving end of a massage when someone else is doing it and it is nice to be able to return the favour.  Giving other people or yourself a massage can also be quite stress relieving and good exercise.  Another bonus of self massage is that you are in charge and you can do it just the way you like it, at a time that suits you!

Now even if you or your friend / relative are not professionals, it doesn’t mean that you can’t learn a few techniques.  In fact I would definitely recommend it, as both the experience of giving and receiving a massage will be far more enjoyable.

It is first worth working out the way that you learn best.  There are many options out there for learning massage techniques and before you spend any money on them think about what will sink in the most.

Options for learning include:

  1. Sign up for a course at your local college – this may be costly in the short term, but could save you money in the long run.  It is likely to be effective for you if you need someone to show and tell you how to do it.
  2. Get a DVD – cheaper than signing up for a course and can be watched again and again at your leisure.  Maybe you could even borrow one from the local library, or buy one secondhand. 
  3. Even cheaper than a DVD, in fact available for free – there are a large number of clips on You Tube detailing massage techniques 
  4. Buy or borrow a book on massage techniques
  5. Search online for massage related tips 

Once you have chosen your learning technique  – don’t be afraid to spend a little money if you think it is necessary,  I have learnt so many times that going with the cheapest option out there is often a false economy –  you need to decide which massage oil is right for you.  There are lots of options out there and it is easy to make it yourself.  So watch out for my next post on homemade massage oil!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I would love to hear any comments/ feedback you may have about it. 

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    1. I understand the reasons why a self-massage is convenient, but there are just some hard-to-reach areas in your body that you simply cannot massage yourself. Know-how is one thing, experience and practicality are another.

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