5 gifts that don’t cost anything

1. Give your time – this could be babysitting, dog walking, gardening or even providing a lesson on something you are skilled in.

Sustainable gift wrap course

2. Give something you already own – this could be something that has sentimental meaning to you, that would mean something to the person who you give it to.

3. Give to charity by volunteering.  You could volunteer at a charity shop or an animal rescue centre, or have a look this site: The Donation – donate by doing

4. Write a poem and put it in a homemade frame made out of paper and card that you would usually recycle

5. Pick some flowers and foliage from your garden and arrange them in a glass jar that you would have usually recycled (to keep the flowers moist, wrap some wet kitchen paper around them).  You could decorate the glass jar or pop it in a reusable gift bag.

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  1. Lovely post. Not all gifts have to cost a lot, it's the thought!

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