Become an instructor: Set up a pre-school music group

Do you pay to take your pre-schooler to a music session each week?  Do you know all the songs and techniques inside out?  Do you have a network of friends with young children who are interested in taking their child to a music group?  Then if you wanted to, you could turn a monetary drain, into a monetary gain!
I have been going to music group ever since my oldest son was born 3 years ago.  We have been very regular customers only taking breaks when forced to by school holidays.  We have to have scheduled activities in the mornings as my children wake up filled with energy every day. 
We were looking forward to returning to our usual music group in September, until the lady who ran it notified everyone she wouldn’t be resuming the class after the holidays.  I had been thinking about the possibility of running my own music group before this happened, but this gave me the push I needed to actually do something about it.
I decided to take the plunge and invited everyone I knew in the area with young children to a free trial session in my house.  My children came too and joined in the fun.  It was really nerve wracking, as I have never run a music session before, or sung in front of a group of people.  I think it went well though and I plan to run sessions weekly just with people I know to start off with in my house.  Once I have had a bit more practise I will hire a hall and advertise the group to the general public.
I have no idea how successful the music group will be, however for a few hours of my time each week spent on an activity I would have been doing anyway with my children, I can potentially make money, rather than spend it.  It also has the further benefits, that I can decide what I would like my children to learn about each week in my music group and I can develop myself by gaining new skills. 
If you are considering running a music group, make sure you take some advice on running a small business and do the sums carefully before you start out.  Purchasing equipment, renting out a hall, paying tax and paying out for public liability insurance for example all add up and it may take some time before you actually make a profit.
So watch this space for more news about my music group and to see how it develops!  

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