The first I Quit Blog Fiesta!

Welcome to the first edition of the I Quit Blog Fiesta where I tell you all about how I quit blogging (not really – had to throw something in there on April 1st!).

Sustainable gift wrap course
I asked you to send me your ‘I Quit’ stories, where quitting saved you money, was kinder to the environment and / or improved your health.  This is because I feel that the more we can share our stories about why and how we quit the things that were doing our wallets the environment and/ or our health no good, the more we can help and inspire each other!
As I mentioned when I introduced the I Quit Blog Fiesta, I have been quitting lots of things recently – the latest thing being sugar!  I quit sugar on the 22nd February 2013 and soon after went over entirely to whole foods (i.e. brown pasta, brown rice and so on).  have been sugar free (mainly) for over a month now and have lost 8lbs – woohoo!  
Although I haven’t really been missing sugary foods, I have to admit that I have felt much more emotional than usual and have been worrying about little things a lot more. I guess instead of eating something to cheer myself up every time I get down, now I feel the emotion. I’m not giving in though and already I am starting to feel better and not so worried about everything. I know it will be worth it in the end and am really excited about the weight I am losing!
I am also excited to share with you the great quitting stories that have been sent in for the fiesta!

These girls have been thinking about their health and are changing their ways!
Ashley has broken up with her microwave and if you read the article you will understand why!  I haven’t been able to bring myself to use my microwave at all since reading her article and will be selling it / freecycling it in the near future.  We had slowed down our usage of our microwave anyway as we worked out a while ago that food cooked in the microwave doesn’t taste that great.
Well done to Kez who has decided to quit smoking!  Kez lists 5 reasons why she wants to quit and 2 why she would continue to smoke.  Good luck Kez, you know your life will be better without it!  Margorie is a little further down the line than Kez and has been without cigarettes for over a year now.  She has listed 7 reasons why she is so glad she did quit! 
Nothing new will do!
No Time For Ironing has decided to quit chucking things before having a go at fixing them first after successfully bringing an old pair of boots back to life!  I have a couple of leather handbags and shoes which I keep meaning to take to get fixed, but after reading this maybe I will have a go myself!
Rosie has decided to ‘not buy any new clothes for the whole of 2013!’ and asks if anyone fancies joining her?  I can highly recommend shopping in charity shops and swapping clothes with friends.  Once you pay charity shop prices for clothes, you won’t want to go back to full priced new ones!
Jen has gone the whole hog and started her blog ‘My Make Do and Mend Year‘ to document her experiences of buying nothing new at all for a year (where possible and allowing for some exceptions).  She is doing really well and since September 2012 has bought virtually nothing new – pretty impressive really in an age where buying something new is just a click of a button away!
If you are feeling inspired by these stories and are about to start perusing Ebay for lots of secondhand bargains think again as it may not be the answer to all your problems – read Sarah’s story about why she is quitting her guilty pleasure before you download the app to your phone.  Personally I think the best places to look for secondhand things are in charity shops, swapping with friends and relatives and by signing up to Freecycle or Freegle emails!

Moving on:

Gemma recently quit her job, not because she was hugely unhappy, but because she wasn’t living the life of her dreams!  I was pretty unhappy in my job when I decided to quit, but I should never have let it get that far!  Good on Gemma for making a brave decision at the right time!

See you again next time!

Well that’s it for the first I Quit Blog Fiesta – well done to all the quitters who joined in and to all those didn’t – I hope you join next time!  The next Fiesta will go live on the 1st May 2013, so please email your stories  to by the 17th April to be included and don’t forget to add the featured on button to your blog post once the fiesta goes live!

The rules:

  1. Please do not send me any links to sponsored posts, promotions or giveaways
  2. Links don’t have to be recent, but will only be published once (i.e. please don’t send repeat links to future fiestas).
  3. Please link back to the fiesta in your featured blog post(s) either by text link or by adding the button below to the relevant blog post
<a href=”” target=”blank”><img alt=”” height=”113″ src=” ” width=”150″ /></a>

I look forward to reading all your ‘I quit’ stories! 

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This has been shared at Seasonal Celebration Wednesday


  1. Zoe

    Thanks for your comment Mellow – if you have a blog post you would like included in the next blog fiesta which will go live on the 1st May, feel free to email it to me on

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