Getting inspiration from Westywrites!

I like reading other blogs and recently I can’t get enough of Westywrites. Westywrites is also preparing to give up plastic for Plastic Free July and has started a whole series on…

Interview with Team Pugh!

Team Pugh spent a whole year shopping in their local shops and avoiding the supermarkets. That year recently came to an end but they very kindly agreed to be interviewed by me about…

It’s the end!

Team Pugh (as pictured above) stayed away from supermarkets for a whole year and two days ago that year came to an end. They also blogged every day during that…

What an inspiration!

Last night in Brighton I went to see the first showing of the Clean Bin Project documentary film on it’s UK tour! Pictured above are Grant and Jen, the stars of the…

Talking to James Wong at Seedy Sunday!

This weekend I was lucky enough to meet James Wong, author, ethnobotanist and TV presenter after his talk at Seedy Sunday! Seedy Sunday is an event which is held once…