Yali, wine, sponsored post, review

Yali wine review – a sustainable wine! *Ad*

Yali, wine, sponsored post, review
























Please note alcohol should only be drunk responsibly and in moderation. This post is aimed at adults only.

Sustainable gift wrap course

I’m not a big drinker, but I do like having the occasional glass of wine and I particularly like it when that wine comes with sustainable credentials! Yali is a wine brand that cares about the environment. It is a certified sustainable wine of Chile. By 2020 they aim to reduce and recycle 100% of the waste they produce. They use solar panels, LED bulbs and ecological gases in the running of their vineyards. They have biodiversity areas on the vineyards to allow room for nature to co-exist with the vines and they use organic eco-friendly pest control products.

They got in touch recently and offered to send me a bottle of their Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot to review, which I was pretty excited about! I’ve been on a few wine tasting experiences before so I know what I’m doing :).

First you have to sniff:

Sniffing the wine











Then you need to swill the wine around in your mouth:

Wine tasting, swilling wine










Finally drink the rest of the glass – yes I know you are supposed to spit it out, but I don’t like waste 🙂

The verdict:

The Sauvignon Blanc – white wine:

I thought it smelled quite sweet. On tasting, I was surprised to find it was a light, crisp and dry white wine.

The Merlot – red wine:

It had a rich aroma and I thought it tasted more as I expected from the way it smelled with a rich depth of flavour, again not too sweet.

If you fancy giving either wine a go, they are available in your local Co-op Food and are currently on special offer, reduced from £7.50 to £5.50, until 28th January.

Note: this is a sponsored review, but opinions are my own.