Week 3 of the #stillgood decluttering challenge

We are heading into the 3rd week of the #stillgood decluttering challenge and this week the focus is on the freezer! It’s time to dig out those icy relics and use them up! If you know you will never use them give them away or consign them to the compost and try to get a system in place so you don’t forget about your freezer foods again!
Last week was all about decluttering our long life store cupboard foods, like baking ingredients, herbs and spices, tins and cans. Did you join in? What did you find and what did you use up?
I am pretty on top of the store cupboard situation. I do need to make better use of my spices though as there are some that I don’t use. I found some oatcakes that had been crushed at the bottom of a bag and I had put in the cupboard to use at some point but hadn’t worked out what to do with them. I asked the members of the Reduce your food waste Facebook group for suggestions of what to do with them and they had some great ideas:
  1. Cheese cake base – sweet or savoury!
  2. Crumble topping on an apple or vegetable crumble.
  3. In a nut roast
  4. Use instead of breadcrumbs in meatballs or burgers
  5. Add to falafels
I really liked the idea of making a savoury cheesecake or savoury crumble, but I already had some mince in the fridge and so it made sense to make meatballs with them (see my meatball recipe here – I substituted the breadcrumbs for the crushed oatcakes and used dried herbs instead of fresh ones). They actually tasted really good, so if I ever have a crushed oat cake problem again I know what to do with them.
Come and join in with our #stillgood decluttering challenge over in the Reduce your food waste Facebook group or comment below on how it is going for you! Hope you all have a great week!
Coming soon – look out for my blog post on Thursday about why we have decided to make the switch to Octopus Energy (affiliate link – this won’t cost you any extra to use, but if you click through and sign up I will make a small commission and you will help to support the blog – thanks!).