I’m in the rubbish hot 100!

Resource Media’s Hot 100 – their list of the ‘brightest sparks of the waste industry’ was recently announced and I managed to sneak in there at number 76, which was pretty exciting.  Thanks to Karen Cannard for sharing this picture on Twitter!

Sustainable gift wrap course
There were some familiar faces in the list who I want to say a massive congratulations to:
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who came first (after his recent War on Waste TV shows), Rachelle Strauss of My Zero Waste and Zero Waste Week who came fourth. Karen Cannard of the Rubbish Diet who came 15th, Cat Fletcher (Freegle founder) came 17th and Caroline Lucas – Green MP for Brighton Pavillion came 25th  – well done to all you guys for all your fantastic rubbish reduction activities!  
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