Sustainable Book Club no.5 – The Moneyless Manifesto by Mark Boyle!

I read the Moneyless Manifesto quite a while ago and blogged about it here and here. At the time the book had quite an effect on me. It really put me off money! I could relate to a lot of it, but had a lot of questions at the end:

Sustainable gift wrap course
  1. How did Mark eat for free? I don’t think it explains it fully in the book – is it really possible to pay nothing for food for a whole year?
  2. What (if any) practical advice can/ will you take from this book?
  3. Would you consider going for an extended period of time without spending any money be it for a week, a month or even a year? If yes, why and how and if no – why not?
  4. What is your attitude to giving – how often and what types of things do you give e.g. gifts, volunteering etc? How does it make you feel? Is it of benefit to you?
  5. Can an economic system that relies on money ever be sustainable?
  6. Is stockpiling money for future needs selfish or sensible?
  7. What would a localised gift economy look like and would a gift economy really work in practise?
  8. If we all abandoned money, what would happen to public and private products and services, like healthcare, the internet and clean water?
  9. If you could ask the author one question what would it be?
  10. Would you recommend this book to a friend?
Join us today on Twitter – look for #susbc and Facebook – here between 12.00&13.00 and 20.00&21.00. Feel free to comment with your answers on this blog post too or even email me on
Our next meet up is going to be on 9th December between 12.00&13.00 and 20.00&21.00 and this time we will be reading the Last Rhinos by Lawrence Anthony – I look forward to chatting with you today and then!
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