Homemade Mothers Day Card!

I’m not into the commercial hype of Mothers Day but I do like to show my Mum some appreciation! One of the best ways to do this is with a homemade card.

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For a gift I gave my Mum some lovely biscuits.  A friend was giving them away on my Foodsharing Group.

Feeling slightly guilty about giving her free biscuits I decided that I would make her a card. I made the card with scraps from previous projects. I keep leftover bits of card in a wallet to craft with.

homemade mothers day card

How to make a homemade mothers day card

To make the flowers you need to chop out the shapes pictured above and stick them on.  To make them symmetrical, fold a piece of paper in half and draw half the flower on one side. Then cut the flower shape out, through to the other side and you should have a symmetrical template. I drew the letters freehand and cut them out.

I realised it’s best to draw the letters backwards so that the pen doesn’t show when you turn them over. It doesn’t matter at all if the flowers/ letters aren’t perfect – it adds character!    After I made the card I needed to put it in an envelope. I hoard envelopes from letters we receive as I use them to make note pads for my fridge.  I took one of the envelopes and then up-cycled it to fit the card as pictured below:

homemade mothers day card

How to make an envelope

  1. I put the card in the envelope and then folded the envelope at the edge of the card
  2. That left a fold mark in the envelope which I cut down. I then folded over the envelope at the top at the other edge of the card
  3. I cut the top layer of the fold I made in step 2 and laid it out.
  4. Then I chopped it off at the side.
  5. I shaped the top of the envelope to create a flap to seal down
  6. I stuck scraps of yellow card around the edges and folded over to the back on the sides as one edge needed sealing.  I put more card on the bottom as there were some numbers on it that needed covering up.  I decided to match it up on the top as well.  
  7. Then I put my card in the envelope wrote on the address, stuck down the flap and popped it in the post.  Hopefully it will get there in time!