Last night at the Observer Ethical Awards!

Last night was the Observer Ethical Awards and I got invited to go along and see them being presented. I was really excited about going, mainly because it meant I got to meet these ladies pictured above! From left to right they are Emma – Mommy Emu, Karen – The Rubbish Diet, Kate – Plastic is Rubbish and Jen – My Make Do and Mend Year.  I have spent a lot of time reading their brilliant and inspiring blogs and chatting to them on Twitter and it was so great to actually meet them in person (although I have met Karen once before, but it was lovely to catch up again)!  I also got to meet Carl Legge who has given me some tips on how to make apple cider vinegar (read more here)!
The dress code was sustainable fashion and I somehow interpreted that as meaning I should make myself an outfit in time for the awards especially as I had already pledged to make one for my #slowfashion challenge (read more here).  I have been so busy recently though and ended up making it just in time to leave the house to go to the awards. I wasn’t entirely sure that I should leave the house in it, but having put in the effort to make it, I had to wear it!
There were drinks and nibbles and then the awards themselves. I was a bit dubious about how eco-friendly and truly ethical some of the organisations that were up for awards really were, but some of the people and stories were truly inspirational.  I loved the event motto – ‘Be Better in This Life’ and the emphasis that was put on the power that individuals have to change things – I totally agree, we don’t need to wait for anyone, each and every one of us can just start changing things for the better right now.
On the way out they gave everyone a goody bag filled with stuff – it was fun to look through, but as it turns out I really don’t want most of that stuff and like Kate I wasn’t too impressed with all the packaging it came in (read her article about the awards here).  I plan to give anything I can’t use to family and friends.
All in all it was a great night and I’m really glad I went. Thanks to Katherine Purvis of the Guardian Live Better for inviting me!
I am currently undertaking a Year of Eco Challenges . If you have a moment I would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring me with an action (no money involved) on my DoNation page. Also if you liked this post please click like on Facebook and follow on Twitter – thanks so much!