Curtain edging necklace and the start of the slow fashion challenge!

Ok be honest with me here.  Do you think I have:

Sustainable gift wrap course

a) completely lost the plot or
b) am way ahead of my time and about to spark a whole trend in wearing old style curtain edging as a necklace???

I think it looks really nice, but may be a bit too close to the project to be entirely objective so I would love a second opinion here.  In my house full of boys, my older son tells me I look lovely all the time (he’ll go far) and my husband tells me whatever he thinks I want to hear and whatever he thinks will get me to stop asking him what I think of what I am wearing as quickly as possible…
In case you are wondering what is going on – this month I am trying to slow down fashion, by trying to create fashionable items from what I already have in my wardrobe (or even spark new fashion trends like my necklace above 🙂 ).  I have challenged you all to join in with me and you don’t need to worry about the current fashion trends either.

You could:

  • Wear the same pair of shoes every day for a month
  • Thin out your wardrobe and choose a set number of clothes to wear for the month – how low can you go? Do you need 20 items or could you cope with 5 or even less?
  • Get creative and embellish just one unloved item of clothing, shoes or accessories. You could even make an accessory like a brooch with scraps you find around your home..
  • Mend something that wouldn’t otherwise
  • Take on the Passion Fashion DoAction in support of my Year of Eco Challenges – see more info here
  • Or join me and create a whole new outfit from what you already have – it doesn’t have to fit in with the latest fashion trends, it could just be a reflection of your own personal style!
If you want to find out more about the challenge including why I am doing it, read more here.
Several people have already said they will join in – hooray!
Rachelle Strauss of My Zero Waste wrote her thoughts on my slowing down fashion challenge here and Kathryn of Second-Hand Tales has pledged to join in here!  Both articles are a great read and each give a different take on the challenge, so I recommend taking a look!
Over on Twitter, @sathlondonshona, @NancyRCarter and @mommyemu all plan to join in too -@sathlondonshona reckons she can stick to 5 items of clothing all month!
I’m really looking forward to hearing how they and you get on with slowing down fashion, so please keep me posted either via FacebookTwitter or email (!
I am currently undertaking a Year of Eco Challenges . If you have a moment I would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring me with an action (no money involved) on my DoNation page. Also if you liked this post please click like on Facebook and follow on Twitter – thanks so much!