Seasons greetings and brussels sprouts toothpicks to you all!

To all my readers out there that have been celebrating today, I hope you had a very happy Christmas!  For all those that think it isn’t their holiday this article gives an interesting take on the subject…
The brussels sprouts on the stem (as pictured above) went down very well at my family lunch today. Afterwards not wanting to waste anything, I took the remaining sprouts off the stem and set about dismantling the stem.

It has quite a woody part just underneath the skin which can be split up and used as toothpicks and once the woody part has been peeled off the inner part can be cooked and eaten!  It isn’t that easy to convey in the picture, but those spiky bits made some tasty toothpicks and I’m looking forward to steaming or stir frying those stem inners…

Sustainable gift wrap course

I am currently undertaking a Year of Eco Challenges . If you have a moment I would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring me with an action on my DoNation page. Also if you liked this post please click like on Facebook and follow on Twitter – thanks so much!