The I Quit Blog Fiesta no.7 – microWave goodbye!

Welcome to the 7th edition of the I Quit Blog Fiesta! This month I am not partying alone and have two quitting stories from Cass who writes the Diary of a Frugal Family to share!

When her microwave broke she decided not to replace it and she has been enjoying life without it! Although she could have gone out and bought another one quite cheaply she much prefers the extra space in her kitchen and hasn’t missed it at all! I think that’s great!
Today is also the first day of Cass’s going sober for October challenge which she is doing to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support and if you want to sponsor her all the details are in her blog post here. Good luck with going booze free for a month Cass!
Since I last wrote I have also gone microwave free. I stopped using it a while ago but I hadn’t quite got around to giving it away. I rang round a few charity shops and only found one place in my local area that would take it – my local YMCA warehouse. So a couple of weeks ago off I went and waved goodbye to my microwave! (Just noticed originally I was thinking of selling/ freegling it, but in the end I decided to give it to charity).

I haven’t missed my microwave either and am enjoying the extra space in my kitchen – although I haven’t been as organised as Cass and also need to do a kitchen declutter!

Sustainable gift wrap course

Can’t stop quitting!

As I might have mentioned once or twice, I just can’t stop quitting. Recently I decided to embark on a whole year of Eco Challenges the first of which is to go ‘poo’ free again! I was quite excited to find that soap worked brilliantly in my hair until a couple of days later when I decided to question the place of soap in my life

Sugar free update:

I am still sugar free and happy and I have lost a stone and a half since I started. In case you are wondering what I snack on, at the moment it is mainly crackers with spreads or dips (e.g. peanut butter, cream cheese and houmous), veg sticks, apples, satsumas, nuts and seeds.
See you again next time!
If quitting has saved you money, was kinder to the environment and / or improved your health and you have written a recent blog post about it, then please send me the link in an email to by 25th October to be included in the next fiesta which will go live on the 1st November 2013 (ish).

The rules:
  1. Please do not send me any links to sponsored posts, promotions or giveaways
  2. Links don’t have to be recent, but will only be published once (i.e. please don’t send repeat links to future fiestas).
  3. Please link back to the fiesta in your featured blog post(s) either by text link or by adding the button below to the relevant blog post
<a href=”” target=”blank”><img alt=”” height=”113″ src=” ” width=”150″ /></a>

I look forward to reading all your ‘I quit’ stories! 

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This blog post has been shared at Fat Tuesday