I really missed it!

I just came back from a really lovely few days in Bournemouth.  The sun shone, the sea glinted, the sand beckoned – it was so lovely especially as the hubby and I got a whole day off from the kids and we spent the morning getting some much needed rest and relaxation at a spa.   
There was one problem though.  I left my Mooncup at home and then of course I needed it.  Ok this is the point that you might want to look away if you don’t want to hear graphic details about why I really really don’t like tampons and sanitary towels and why I missed my Mooncup so much.

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Right if you are still with me here goes.  When I first got a Mooncup, I really wasn’t sure about it, it seemed a bit messier and grosser than using sanitary towels or tampons.  However I have been using it for so long now that things have really changed.  Now I think sanitary towels and tampons are grosser and they are far more annoying and this is why: 
  • As I didn’t have my Mooncup with me, I had to rush out and buy sanitary towels and tampons.  I bought both as I used to prefer sanitary towels, but being we were going to a spa they weren’t going to cut it.  I ended up stopping at a chemist and spending around £5 on the two packs – such an annoying waste of money!
  • I haven’t used tampons in a very long time and I tore of the wrapper of the first one and managed to completely ruin the tampon.  The tubes it was in separated, I tried to push them back together and somehow squashed the tampon and then the whole thing came apart and the tampon opened up. Absolutely useless and what a waste!  It’s almost like they design it for people to make a mess of it…
  • I was really careful with my second attempt.  I managed to extract the tampon and it’s cardboard tubes from the packaging without wrecking them and then tampon safely inserted off I went.  The next time I went to the toilet though I discovered a blood bath in my knickers.  I have had two kids, but I did buy ultra absorbent, night time ones, so they should have done the job….  
  • They didn’t last anywhere near the 8 hours they said they could and then I also felt like I needed to wear a sanitary towel with them and was starting to wonder what was the point of having the tampon?
  • I can’t even begin to go into the embarrassing escapade I had at the spa, which could have made the most hilarious episode of Miranda, so will leave you guessing there.
  • At night time feeling disillusioned with tampons I just opted for a sanitary towel, but the problem with wearing a sanitary towel while you are sleeping is that you move, the sanitary towel moves and not everything lines up properly all night which = not pleasant!
Anyway I’m home now and safely and very happily reunited with my Mooncup, which although is a bit messier when being changed, lasts longer, leaks way less, is seriously comfortable – way more comfortable than the other two options, works brilliantly overnight and is just generally what I need when I am on my period.  
If you are interested in buying a Mooncup  then visit their website or search on amazon where you can choose from a variety of menstrual cups.
Disclaimer – Mooncup have not sponsored this article.  If you click through on the links and buy one I will make a very small amount of money and you will be helping to support the blog, reduce landfill from alternative sanitary products and save yourself some money in the process!
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