5 last minute, low cost fathers day presents!

It’s fathers day tomorrow and there is very little time left to get your dad a gift if you haven’t already!  Fear not though as there is still time to get the perfect present without breaking the bank!

  1. An e-card may do the trick, some even include an option to make a donation to charity on your Dad’s behalf.  I like the space invaders one on the Macmillan website, but there are lots of sites to choose from.
  2. On the other end of the spectrum a lottery ticket might make your Dad a very happy man (you never know!).  If you haven’t got time to get to the shops you can buy one online.
  3. For the technologically advanced father you could get them an app for their phone – maybe there is one that they like already, but you could pay extra for better features… They are inexpensive and there are lots and lots to choose from.
  4. For the movie loving Dad a subscription to Lovefilm or Netflix could be perfect and can all be done online.  There are a plethora of other subscriptions out there to choose from as well, such as music, audio book and magazine subscriptions and there is bound to be something out there in your price range which is appropriate and can be bought right at the last minute.
  5. Again for a technically savvy dad, a Kindle book could be sent as a gift via email.  You don’t need a Kindle
    to read it – it can be read on your PC or other devices with the assistance of a Kindle app, which is free to download!

These gifts are inexpensive, can be received immediately and are likely to be far more appreciated than a tie or a pair of socks!

Sustainable gift wrap course

What ideas do you have for last minute, low cost fathers day presents, I’d love to hear them!

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