Plastic compromises

We are half way through July and up until now I haven’t even mentioned Plastic Free July (PFJ). The idea behind PFJ is to avoid all single use plastic throughout…

Eco-friendly wet wipe alternatives

Single use wet wipes contain plastic and contribute to drain blockages and death of marine life when flushed. Here are some eco wet wipe alternatives

Make your own thermal cooker

Why slow cook food? Thermal cookers are great for saving energy, time and money. I batch cook soup and stews and slow cooking brings out lots of the lovely flavours….

Slow cooking soup, without a slow cooker

How to slow cook without a slow cooker I’d been thinking a lot about saucepans and slow cookers when I made a discovery. OK it wasn’t ground breaking but it…

How to choose a saucepan

With so much available it can be overwhelming to know how to buy the most eco friendly saucepans. Here are my tips on what to look out for.

How to go zero waste in the bathroom!

The small bin in the corner of most bathrooms can be misleading as to the level of waste created in this vital room in a home. There is actually quite…

Upcycled dish cloths!

During my decluttering sessions for the Minimalism Game (read more here) I came across some white towels that we used when the kids were babies.  I was about to donate…

Cross county thinking…

It is day 8 of the Minimalism Game (read more here) and I have not followed the rules at all, but I did say I wasn’t going to. I have got…