Furoshiki gift wrapping

Furoshiki is a beautiful and stylish way to wrap up gifts!

Furoshiki – the Japanese method of wrapping gifts in fabric is beautiful, creative, clever and reusable! Once you get the hang of a few simple techniques it doesn’t take long to master a basic wrap!

Sustainable gift wrap course

In this article I walk you through how to wrap up a book using the Furoshiki method. I think it looks great and really stylish.

How to wrap up a book in fabric -Furoshiki style!

In the picture at the top of the article I have wrapped up my Eco Thrifty Living book in a silk scarf in a few easy steps. I got the silk scarf with a bunch more, when my mum was having a declutter. She was going to give them to charity, but I found a new use for them! If you don’t have your own fabrics to use to wrap up gifts, you will be able to find some inexpensively in a charity shop!

Step 1: Lay out your fabric and put the book on top at an angle

Furoshiki gift wrapping, fabric wrapping

Step 2: Bring two diagonally opposite corners towards each other and tie them together in a double knot

Furoshiki gift wrapping, fabric wrapping paper alternative

Step 3 – Repeat with the remaining two corners

Doesn’t it look great! When you give someone a gift like this, you can ask for the gift wrap back. I find that most people hand it straight back to me. But you could also give it as part of the present if you want to.

Now that you have learned how to wrap up a gift Furoshiki style, are you after ideas for eco-friendly gifts? If so, you can get some inspiration in my list of sustainable gifts your friends and family will love.

If you want some more ideas for sustainable ways to wrap gifts, check out my article on the subject here: Beautiful eco friendly ways to wrap up gifts. Plus check out my course that I am currently developing on the subject. All the details can be found here: Sustainable gift wrapping course.
